political entity



political entity (plural political entities)

  1. A polity; A territory whose boundaries are set by a political authority, especially one with its own governing organization.
    • S:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Diplomacy:
      The proceedings of the congress of Vienna proved how little the common good weighed unless reinforced by particular interests; but the conception of “Europe” as a political entity none the less survived.
    • S:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Tuscany:
      Since the union with Italy, Tuscany has ceased to constitute a separate political entity, although the people still preserve definite regional characteristics.
    • (mention only) 4. New provisions, aph.gov.au:
      A new definition is inserted at s. 4–political entity–meaning a registered political party, a state branch or a registered political party, a candidate in an election or by-election, or a member of a group.
    • FAQs on Political Entities, elections.ca:
      Below are frequently asked questions about political entities (candidates, parties, third parties, etc).
    • Neil MacCormick, Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State, and Nation in the European Commonwealth:
      The state is primarily a political entity, characterized by territoriality and stability in government. That is, a state has territory, and exercises effective government in that territory over the population, all or most of whom are citizens of the state.
    • What is Municipal Government?, mdmunicipal.org:
      A municipality is a corporate and political entity organized by the residents of the area to operate within a prescribed geographic area for the purpose of providing public services.
    • Europe as a Political Entity:
      Scholars and politicians have struggled to define this political entity, consisting of member states that pool their sovereignty at the European level, yet retain distinct identities as independent states. The EU cannot be described simply as cooperation between independent national governments, like the United Nations. Nor can it be depicted as a federal state, like the United States.
    • 31 CFR § 306.88 - Political entities and public corporations. | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute:
      Securities registered in the name of, or assigned to, a State, county, city, town, village, school district or other political entity, public body or corporation, may be assigned by a duly authorized officer, supported by evidence of his authority.

See also

Further reading

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