perpendicular universe



Based on parallel universe.


perpendicular universe (plural perpendicular universes)

  1. A separate universe, comparable to a parallel universe.
    • 1996 April 2,, “Perpendicular universes”, in alt.parallel.universes (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      I suggest that the perpendicular universe to another is that in which everything is opposite to the one in question. Perpendicular to this one, we would all be made of anti-matter. 1+1 would be -2. The sun would be a weak black hole.
    • 1999 December 11, James R. Olson, jr, “Re: left and right”, in hawaii.politics (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      Your residence in a perpendicular universe is once more confirmed. Ronald Reagan ranted about smaller government his whole term, and left us with a bigger establishment than when he left.
    • 2008, Marvel Zombies 3, 1, page 16:
      Aaron, you've heard of parallel universes, I imagine? Alternate realities related to ours that never intersect? Well, there are also perpendicular universes--universes that cross over with ours at one point and one point only.
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