


Blend of parallelogram + polytope. Popularized by Canadian geometer H.S.M. Coxeter.


parallelotope (plural parallelotopes)

  1. (geometry) A generalization of parallelogram and parallelepiped into a figure of arbitrary dimensionality.
    • 1983 [North Holland/Elsevier], Robert S. Borden, A Course in Advanced Calculus, 1998, Dover, page 83,
      Suppose now that is a -dimensional parallelotope, , in .
    • 1997, Daniel A. Klain, Gian-Carlo Rota, Introduction to Geometric Probability, Cambridge University Press, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, page 30,
      We develop next a theory of invariant valuations for the lattice of finite unions of orthogonal parallelotopes, having edgers parallel to a fixed frame. [] This follows from the basic fact that the intersection of two parallelotopes is a parallelotope.
    • 2015, Abraham Albert Ungar, Analytic Hyperbolic Geometry in N Dimensions, Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), page 187:
      It has gyrovertices, of which are the gyropoints of , and gyroedges, in full analogy with parallelotopes.


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