


From paradoksāls (paradoxical) + -itāte, with paradoksāls from paradokss (paradox) + -āls. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.


paradoksalitāte f (5th declension)

  1. paradoxicality (the state or quality of that which is paradoxical)
    A. Kolbergu interesē pretišķīgais cilvēku raksturos un likteņos, tā paradoksalitāteA. Kolbergs was interested in what is contradictory in people's characters and destinies, in their paradoxicality
    paradoksalitāte, kur traģiskais piesegts are dažādu gradāciju smiekliem... šo nelielo noevli padara par būtisku sociālo problēmu pētījumuthe paradoxicality in which the tragic is covered with several gradations of laughter... made this small novel into a significant piece of research on social problems



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