


pappellony (not comparable)

  1. Rare spelling of papelonné.
    • (Can we date this quote?), Society for Creative Anachronism, new armory primer, Section 4: Furs, etc.:
      There are other types of furs and field treatments, such as potent, scaly, pappellony, masoned, etc., but they're less common than ermine and vair, ...
    • 2022 November 11, Variation of the field,
      A field pappellony (French: Papillon, "butterfly") shows a pattern like the wings of a butterfly, though this is categorised as a fur.
    • 2023 August 13, House Galca Organization in Glüm, World Anvil:
      Argent pappellony Vert, chief Sable, a Skull proper, a Bugle and Horseshoe Or. Founding Date. 301 BE. Type. Political, Family. Family Leader.
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