panenko svatokopecká



From Panna Marie Svatokopecká. The expression panenko is a vocative of panenka which is a diminutive of panna (virgin).


  • IPA(key): [panɛŋko svatokopɛt͡skaː]


panenko svatokopecká

  1. (dated) an expletive used for emphasis, invoking Panna Marie Svatokopecká
    Synonyms: ježiš, ježíš, ježiši, ježíši, ježíšikriste, ježišikriste, Ježíši Kriste, ježíškote, ježíšku na křížku, ježíšmarjá, ježíšimarjá, ježíšmarjájosef, ježíšmarjájosefe, ježíšmarjájozef, krindapána, kristepane, Kriste pane, Kriste Pane, marjápanno, panenkomarjá, prokrindapána, prokristapána, pro Krista Pána, prokristovyrány, pro Kristovy rány, šmarjápanno
    • 1917–1918, Karel Matěj Čapek-Chod, Antonín Vondrejc:
      „Bela to jeho nevěsta a ukázala, že nemuže přejit, protože se ten deň zasnóbila s jiném, s obrlajtnantem,… panenko svatokopecká, jak se ten jenom menoval!
      She was his fiancée and she showed him that she could not come, because she had got engaged to somebody else, some first lieutenant,… Jesus, what was his name?!
      Quotation written in the Haná dialect.
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