


From panela + -aço.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /pa.neˈ
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /pa.neˈ

  • Rhymes: -asu
  • Hyphenation: pa‧ne‧la‧ço


panelaço m (plural panelaços)

  1. (Brazil) form of protest in which people create noise with pots and pans; pan-bashing; pot-and-pan protest
    • 2020 April 16, “Demissão de Mandetta provoca panelaços contra Bolsonaro em diferentes pontos do país”, in Folha de São Paulo:
      Os panelaços contra o presidente começaram no dia 17 de março e coincidiram com o início da fase mais aguda das medidas de quarentena pelo país contra o novo coronavírus.
      The pot-and-pan protests against the president started on 17th March, matching the beggining of the intensest phase of the new coronavirus quarantine measures.
  2. (Brazil) panful (as much as a pan will hold, usually referring to a big pan)
    Synonym: panelada
    • 2022 March 29, Rodrigo Costa, “Protesto para reabrir restaurante popular serve galinhada na praça”, in Gazeta Digital:
      Panelaço distribui 400 marmitas para população em frente à prefeitura de Cuiabá.
      Panful distributes 400 lunchboxes amongst the population in front of Cuiabá's city hall.

See also

Further reading

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