o- (“un-”) + omkull (“to the ground or floor”) + runka (“shake”) + -e- + -lig (“-able”)
oomkullrunkelig (not comparable)
- (often humorous) irrefutable, unshakable, that cannot be toppled
- Synonyms: obestridlig, orubblig
- en oomkullrunkelig sanning
- an irrefutable truth
- Han är oomkullrunkelig i sin övertygelse
- He is unshakable in his conviction
- 1836 February 25, “Theater: Diamanten och Hobergsgubben [Theatre: The Diamond and Old Man Hoburg]”, in Dagligt Allehanda, page 2:
- Men här anses nu Sophies oskuld ha blifvit oomkullrunkeligen stadfästad genom denna nyckel.
- But here, Sophie's innocence is now deemed unassailably confirmed through this key.
- 2023 September 24, Jan Guillou, “Det våras för monarkin [The monarchy is showing signs of spring."]”, in Aftonbladet:
- Och vad värre är så är det inte bara i de sen länge etablerade kungadömena i Västeuropa som rojalismen synes stå oomkullrunkeligt stabil.
- And what's worse is that it's not only in the long-established kingdoms of Western Europe that royalism seems unassailably stable.
Usage notes
Often considered a quirky word by native speakers, both for its intricate nature and for using the word runka (“jerk off, shake”) in its archaic sense.
Inflection of oomkullrunkelig | |||
Indefinite | Positive | Comparative | Superlative2 |
Common singular | oomkullrunkelig | — | — |
Neuter singular | oomkullrunkeligt | — | — |
Plural | oomkullrunkeliga | — | — |
Masculine plural3 | oomkullrunkelige | — | — |
Definite | Positive | Comparative | Superlative |
Masculine singular1 | oomkullrunkelige | — | — |
All | oomkullrunkeliga | — | — |
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine. 2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative. 3) Dated or archaic |
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