


o- (un-) + omkull (to the ground or floor) + runka (shake) + -e- + -lig (-able)


oomkullrunkelig (not comparable)

  1. (often humorous) irrefutable, unshakable, that cannot be toppled
    Synonyms: obestridlig, orubblig
    en oomkullrunkelig sanning
    an irrefutable truth
    Han är oomkullrunkelig i sin övertygelse
    He is unshakable in his conviction
    • 1836 February 25, “Theater: Diamanten och Hobergsgubben [Theatre: The Diamond and Old Man Hoburg]”, in Dagligt Allehanda, page 2:
      Men här anses nu Sophies oskuld ha blifvit oomkullrunkeligen stadfästad genom denna nyckel.
      But here, Sophie's innocence is now deemed unassailably confirmed through this key.
    • 2023 September 24, Jan Guillou, “Det våras för monarkin [The monarchy is showing signs of spring."]”, in Aftonbladet:
      Och vad värre är så är det inte bara i de sen länge etablerade kungadömena i Västeuropa som rojalismen synes stå oomkullrunkeligt stabil.
      And what's worse is that it's not only in the long-established kingdoms of Western Europe that royalism seems unassailably stable.

Usage notes

Often considered a quirky word by native speakers, both for its intricate nature and for using the word runka (jerk off, shake) in its archaic sense.


Inflection of oomkullrunkelig
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular oomkullrunkelig
Neuter singular oomkullrunkeligt
Plural oomkullrunkeliga
Masculine plural3 oomkullrunkelige
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 oomkullrunkelige
All oomkullrunkeliga
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic


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