


olv (dialectal variant of ulv (wolf)) + -on (suffix common in names of berries)


olvon n

  1. viburnum, especially Viburnum opulus (guelder rose)
    • 1946, “Visa vid midsommartid (Du lindar av olvon en midsommarkrans) [Song at midsummer time (You twine of guelder rose a midsummer wreath)]”, Rune Lindström (lyrics), Håkan Norlén (music):
      Du lindar av olvon en midsommarkrans, och hänger den om ditt hår. Du skrattar åt mångubbens benvita glans, som högt över tallen står. I natt skall du dansa vid Svartrama tjärn. I långdans, i språngdans, på glödande järn. I natt är du bjuden av dimman till dans, där Ull-Stina, Kull-Lina går.
      You twine of guelder rose a midsummer wreath, and hang it around your hair. You laugh at the man in the moon's ivory ["bone-white," off-white] sheen, that high above the pine tree [sic] stands. Tonight you shall dance by Svartrama [Blackrama] tarn. In chain dance [dance where people form a chain by holding each other's hands, "long dance"], in leaping dance, on red-hot iron. Tonight you are invited by the mist to dance, where Ull-Stina [perhaps "Wool-Stina"], Kull-Lina [perhaps "Hill-Lina"] go.


Declension of olvon 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative olvon olvonet olvon olvonen
Genitive olvons olvonets olvons olvonens

Derived terms

See also


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