

FWOTD – 29 January 2022


From nu- + grybauti.


  • IPA(key): [nʊɡrʲiːˈbɑˑʊtʲɪ]


nugrybáuti (third-person present tense nugrybáuja, third-person past tense nugrybãvo)

  1. (transitive) to pick mushrooms[1]
    • 2010, Vytautas V. Landsbergis, “Atvirukas gimtadienio proga [Birthday card]”, in Mūsų Vytis:
      O aš lekiu dideliu greičiu, stengdamasis nugrybauti kuo didesnį miško plotą – mane labiau traukia tie didieji
      And I am going at high speed, trying to pick mushrooms from the largest possible area of the forest – I'm more attracted to the big ones
  2. (intransitive) to wander, lose one's way (literally, “to get lost wandering in search of mushrooms)
    Synonyms: nuklysti, pasiklysti
    • 2020, Povilas Pauplys, Atsikeliu ir nulūžtu (Camino del Norte), Naujas vardas:
      Vieną kartą, matau, portugalas nugrybauja kitu keliu, rėkiu jam: „no, no, no this way“.
      One time, I see a Portuguese guy wandering the other way, I shout at him: "no, no, no this way".
  3. (intransitive, by extension) to wander, become distracted during a task
    • 2020, Mantas Stonkus, quotee, “Mantas Stonkus įsteigė mokyklą: „Nesu diplomuotas mokytojas, bet esu buvęs mokinys“ [Mantas Stonkus founds a school: "I'm not a qualified teacher, but I am a former pupil"]”, in Žmonės:
      kartais ruošdamasis kitos dienos testui, vadovėlyje nugrybaudavau į tolimesnes temas ir taip įsitraukdavau, kad užmiršdavau kam ruošiausi
      sometimes when I was preparing for the next day's test, I would get distracted by the next topics in the textbook and get so involved that I would forget what I was preparing for
  4. (intransitive, by extension) to malfunction, go off the rails (of a device, program, etc.)
    • 2008, Deimantė Dokšaitė, “Internetas lietuvėja, o lietuviai jame virsta rusais [The Internet is becoming Lithuanian, and Lithuanians are turning into Russians]”, in
      „Google“ verčia ir į mūsų kalbą. Tik kartais labai stipriai „nugrybauja“.
      "Google" also translates into our language. But sometimes it "goes off the rails" very badly.



  1. nugrybauti”, in Lietuvių kalbos žodynas [Dictionary of the Lithuanian language],, 1941–2024

Further reading

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