


native + -ly


natively (not comparable)

  1. In the manner of a native, especially a native speaker.
    • 2019, Nico Hess, Introducing Global Englishes, page 229:
      This is because by definition, a pidgin is not learned natively.
    He spoke French natively, having been born there, and English almost as well.
  2. (computing, of software) Pertaining to the computer or architecture in question; without the use of emulation, etc.
    This is a Microsoft Windows application, so you can't run it natively on an Apple Mac.
  3. In the manner that occurs naturally; without intervention or training.
    • 1835 October, “William Pitt: No. VIII”, in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, volume 38, page 455:
      The experiment showed only what the mass must always be— natively incapable of controlling their passions, natively eager for their enjoyment, and natively envious of the original superiority of birth, affluence, and knowledge.
    • 1909, Thomas Volney Munson, Foundations of American Grape Culture, page 118:
      The vines of some species are always found natively in limy soils, and varieties of such species generally succeed well in such soils.·
    • 1976 August 21, Amalthea, “The Sexual Politics of Transsexual Surgery”, in Gay Community News, volume 4, number 8, page 8:
      Since a transsexual is a person with natively male genitalia who nevertheless has had a lifelong sense of femaleness, the purpose of surgery should logically be to provide such a person with anatomy and sexual response as close as possible to that of any other woman.
    • 2013, George Plopper, ‎David Sharp, ‎Eric Sikorski, Lewin's Cells, page 220:
      Several useful fetures of disordered regions are, however, discernable, and we consider them in the context of a few of the structurally and biochemically characterized biologic systems in which the function of natively unfolded proteins has been investigated.
    • 2022, Samuel J. Baird, The Elohim Revealed, page 430:
      The sin of Adam, by which we are brought under condemnation, is ours originally, natively, and intrinsically; and the nature which we inherit and originally possess is the very nature by which the apostasy was wrought.
  4. Inherently; innately;
    • 1900, The Coming Age - Volumes 3-4, page 236:
      On the other hand, some subjects are not natively interesting, but they become interesting when we study them extensively, that is, they have an acquired interest.
    • 2009, Lynn Abbott, ‎Doug Seroff, Ragged but Right, page 91:
      In sizing up his first season with the Smart Set, Indianapolis-based columnist Will M. Lewis concluded that Dudley's portrayal of George Washington Bullion "belongs to the Hogan class; not so natively funny, but with better judgement. [] "
    • 2023, Tobias Kunz, ‎Lukas R.A. Wilde, Transmedia Character Studies, page 211:
      Even natively fictive characters can be used as a commentary on real-life politicians such as Donald Trump.


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