


From mentio (lie) + -oza (full of).


  • IPA(key): /menˈ, /men.tiˈ



  1. mendacious
    • 1922 September, “Quale on ne devas agar!”, in Nia Standardo, number 2, page 15:
      Mentioza esas la letro di kdo. V., pro ke lu nultempe vizitis ula Idisto od Idista organizuro, altre il savabus kande ed ube on povas parolar kun l' oficisti di la rispektive IDO-organizuri (quale lo facis kdo. E. Lanty, esinte en Moskva e vizitinte kdo. Milter).
      The letter by comrade Valentinov is mendacious, because henever visited any Idist or Idist organisation, otherwise he would have known when and where one can talk to the officials of the respective Ido organisations (like comrade E. Lanty did, who has been in Moscow and has visited comrade Milter).
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