melde ut

Norwegian Nynorsk

Alternative forms

  • melda ut (a-infinitive)


melde ut (present tense melder ut, past tense melde ut, supine meldt ut, past participle meld ut or utmeld)

  1. (reflexive) to leave, to cancel one's own membership or affiliation with a group or organisation
    • 1955, Knut Rygnestad, Dissentarspørsmålet i Noreg frå 1845 til 1891: lovgjeving og administrativ praksis [The Dissenter Problem in Norway 1845-1891: legislation and administration], page 78:
      Det var nok til å ha vedtak om at ingen vart sett på som utmeld or statskyrkja, før han personleg hadde møtt fram hos soknepresten og meldt seg ut.
      This was enough to rule that noone were counted as having left the state church, before they personally had presented them selves before the parish priest and resigned.
  2. (transitive) to cancel their membership in or affiliation with a group or organisation
    • 2007 March 25, Firda Tidend:
      Hellerud stilte som uavhengig representant på kommunestyremøtet måndag etter at Sogn og Fjordane Frp melde han ut av partiet.
      (please add an English translation of this quote)
  3. (reflexive, figurative) to not or outright abstain from participating in an activity; to no longer be a (central or important) part (of)


  • melde inn

Derived terms

  • utmelding f
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