
See also: mīlākais



mīļākais (indefinite mīļāks, superlative vismīļākais, adverb mīļāk)

  1. the dearer, the kinder, the more loving; definite comparative degree of mīļš
  2. lover (person with whom one is regularly having sexual relations)
    kur lai tagad aiziet? ministrs gudroja... pie kuras no savām mīļākām šonakt braukt?where to go now? the minister thought... to which of his lovers should he go tonight?
    ja sievietei ir darbs, tad viņai nav vaļas domāt par mīļākiemif a woman has work, then she doesn't have free time to think about lovers
    visu gādību, uzmanību un cienību jūs atdodat savām sievām, kuras smejas par jums, kad tiek kopā ar saviem mīļākiemyou give all care, attention and respect to your wife, who laughs at you when she is together with her lovers



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