
See also: luòc and lược



From a Tai language; compare Proto-Tai *luəkᴰ (to scald) (whence Thai ลวก (lûuak)). Compare also Cantonese (luk6, to boil; to scald), which represents a Tai substrate.



luộc • (, , 𤊒, 𤐠)

  1. (cooking) to boil
    • 1957, Đoàn Giỏi, chapter 2, in Đất rừng phương Nam, Kim Đồng:
      Lão chỉ mặc độc chiếc quần đùi: da mặt, da lưng đỏ như cua luộc.
      He only wore his shorts; the skin on his face and back was red as boiled crab.
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