lade være



From lade være (literally to let be).


  • IPA(key): [la ˈʋɛːɐ], [la ˈʋɛɐ̯ˀ]


lade være (imperative lad være, infinitive at lade være, present tense lader være, past tense lod være, perfect tense har ladet være)

  1. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see lade, være.
    • 1918, Evangelisk tidende: the Norwegian-Danish Christian advocate:
      Aa, lad mig være den sterke Arm, / Som ubemerket og uden Larm / Saa mangen Byrde for Næsten bær / Og ikke svigter, om tung den er.
      Oh, let me be the strong arm, / Which unnoticed and without sound / So many a burden for my neighbour carries / And does not fail, if it is heavy.
  2. to refrain, not do
    Vil du ikke nok lade være?
    Will you please not [do what you are doing or about to do]?
    Lad være med at være så selvretfærdig!
    Don't be so self-righteous!
  3. leave alone, leave be, let be, refrain from interacting with
    Lad mig nu bare være!
    Just leave me be!
  4. let be (used to assign a value to)
    Lad X være mængden bestående af alle heltal delelige med fem.
    Let X be the set of all integers divisible by five.


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