- IPA(key): /ki.rjeˈlɛj.son/, /ki.rjeˈlɛj.zon/
- Rhymes: -ɛjson, -ɛjzon
- Hyphenation: ky‧rie‧lèi‧son
- (Medieval Latin) Alternative form of Kyrie eleison (“Lord, have mercy”)
- c. 12th century, Alain de Lille, Explanatio in Prophetia Merlini Ambrosii 5.52:
- Populus autem hec audiebat orans et clamans “kyrieleison”.
- But the people listened to these things, praying and shouting “Lord, have mercy”.
- Populus autem hec audiebat orans et clamans “kyrieleison”.
kyrieleison n (indeclinable)
- (Medieval Latin) Alternative form of Kyrie eleison (prayer)
- 1561, Agostino Mainardi, Missae ac Missalis anatomia […] , page 34:
- Cur (rogo) illud tribus tantummodo uicibus in Trinitatis memoriam […] non cantant potius quam ad significandos nouem Angelorum ordines, ad quos hoc kyrieleison, non dirigitur?
- Why (I ask) do they not sing it just three times in recollection of the Trinity […] rather than in such a way as to signify the nine orders of Angels, to whom this Kyrie eleison is not directed?
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