- IPA(key): /ˈkokonɑi̯suːtenɑ/, [ˈko̞ko̞ˌnɑ̝i̯s̠uːˌt̪e̞nɑ̝]
- Rhymes: -enɑ
- Syllabification(key): ko‧ko‧nai‧suu‧te‧na
- at large (in general; as a whole).
- Jotkut tukevat toimenpidettä, mutta kokonaisuutena ihmiset ovat luultavasti sitä vastaan.
- Some people support the measure, but the community at large will probably be against it.
- on the whole, by and large (for the most part; apart from some insignificant details).
- Kieli ei sopinut aikakauteen, mutta kokonaisuutena pidin elokuvasta.
- The language was wrong for the period, but, on the whole, I enjoyed the film.
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