Borrowed from English codex, French codex, German Kodex, Italian codice, Russian ко́декс (kódeks), Spanish códice.
- IPA(key): /koˈde.kso/, /koˈde.ɡzo/
kodexo (plural kodexi)
- (legal, signal, programming, etc.) code, codex
- 1909, L'Espérantiste, page 103:
- Segun ilu, ed il esis justa, « l’intersanta fakto esas, ke la penado di omni, per sucedanta elimini … aparigis quaze kodexo di l'fundamentala legaro konstitucanta di linguo internaciona.
- According to him, and he was right, “the interesting fact was, that everyone’s suffering, with succeeding eliminations … was made appearent as if it was the code of the fundamental and constitucional law of the international language.
- 1911, Mondolinguo: Weltsprache, Volume 4–5, page 22:
- La nuva Suisana Civil Kodexo, qua valoreskis de la 1 jan. 1912, esas omnube regardata kom modela lego; […]
- The new Swiss Civil Code, which will come into action from the 1st of January, 1912, is everywhere seen as a model law; […]
- 1913, Progreso, Volume 5, C. Delgrave, page 247:
- (Ma existas signo-lingui kun kompleta vortari, ex. la Kodexo di la navala signali : e nia vortaro, qua existas anke, esas nur infinite plu naturala e plu facile memorebla kam la vortaro tote artificala di la dicita Kodexo !)
- (But there are sign languages with complete dictionaries, ex. the Code of the Nautical Signals: and our dictionary, which also exists, is only infinitely more natural and easier to remember than the dictionary which is totally artificial of said Code!)
- 1918, Mondo, Volume 7–10, page 48:
- Vu havas la yuro recevar membro-karto, nia kodexo plurlingua e nia revuo trimestrala kontenanta plu kam 50 pagini, […]
- You have the right to receive a member card, our multilanguage codex and our trimester magazine which has more than 50 pages, […]
Derived terms
- kodexigar (“to code, codify”)
- kodexo farmaciala (“pharmacopoeia, dispensatory”)
- civila kodexo (“civil code”)
- fonto-kodexo (“source code”)
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