


Compound of kerst + pakket.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɛrst.pɑˌkɛt/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: kerst‧pak‧ket


kerstpakket n (plural kerstpakketten, diminutive kerstpakketje n)

  1. A gift box containing various presents, often luxury foods and gadgets, given around (usually before or at) Christmas, usually by employers to their employees or by charitable organisations to their volunteers; a Christmas box.
    • 2012, Irma Joubert, Pontenilo, tr. from Afrikaans by Dorienke de Vries, orig. title Anderkant Pontenilo.
      Beste Klara,
      Bedankt voor het kerstpakketje dat je hebt gestuurd vooral voor de sigaretten.
      Dear Klara,
      Thank you for the Christmas giftbox that you sent especially for the cigarettes.
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