

Alternative forms

  • kastet skud


From kaste + skud.


kasteskud n (singular definite kasteskuddet, plural indefinite kasteskud)

  1. A shot fired without using the sights (point shooting, aka unsighted fire), or any quickly and imprecisely aimed shot (pot shot).
    • 1929, Thomas Dinesen, No Man's Land – En dansker med canadierne ved vestfronten:
      [...] nu er det min tur – et kasteskud mod den ene – den anden styrter af sted rundt om hjørnet, og vejen er fri.
      [...] now it's my turn – an unsighted shot at one of them – the other runs off around the corner, and the path is clear.
    • 2004, Lars Holmberg, Politiets brug af skydevåben i Danmark, 1985–2002:
      Politiets datamateriale opererer med såkaldt kastede skud samt sigtede skud.
      The records of the Police operate with so-called pointed shots, as well as aimed shots.
  2. (obsolete) A cannon shot fired at above 4 degrees of elevation.
    • 1860, B. H. Faber, Bombardement 1807Kjøbenhavns:
      Samme Dag kastede ogsaa 2 fjendtlige Bombarderer Bomber mod Prøvesteen, som besvarede deres Ild med en Deel Kasteskud.
      The same day, two enemy bombarders also launched bombs against Prøvestenen, who responded to their fire with a number of arced cannon shots.



  • sigtet skud
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