


joke + fic


jokefic (plural jokefics)

  1. (fandom slang) A fanfic intended to be humorous or absurd.
    • 1999 April 18, Johnny 'Sonikku' Wallbank, “[AFSH] I don't even feel like it! Bwahahaha! Part 2”, in (Usenet):
      (Stealth, don't get any ideas, before you launch into another epic because I said the word 'SRB2'. This is a jokefic.)
    • 2000 May 8, Gregg Sharp, “[Ranma/Xover] [FanFic] The Bet: Reluctant Bet seg 24 "The First Emperor Of China?"”, in rec.arts.anime.creative (Usenet):
      this was just written as what was *supposed* to be a two chapter April Fool's jokefic and a chance to throw some ideas out i couldn't use elsewhere.
    • 2001 June 21, The Outsider [username], “The future of Daria (For us)”, in (Usenet):
      I've been writing Daria fanfics and jokefics (A few are still in the works)ever since I stumbled upon the scene in 1997, []


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