Alternative forms
- An emphatic agreeing or affirmative response; sure, absolutely
- Synonyms: jajamän, jajamänsan
- – Får man klappa djuren? – Javisst får man det!
- – Are you allowed to pet the animals? – You sure are!
- – Är 3 + 4 lika med 7? – Javisst!
- – Does 3 + 4 equal 7? – It sure does!
- – De är skurkar! – Javisst, det är ju det jag försökt säga.
- – They're crooks! – Absolutely. That's what I've been trying to say you know.
- (when followed by "ja") Expresses suddenly remembering something; oh, right
- Synonym: visst fan
- Javisst ja, vi måste hämta ungarna
- Oh, right, we have to pick up the kids
Usage notes
The final ja is pronounced with a short A in (sense 2).
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