


From jēga (meaning, understanding, knowledge) + -īgs, with g > dz via palatalization.




jēdzīgs (definite jēdzīgais, comparative jēdzīgāks, superlative visjēdzīgākais, adverb jēdzīgi)

  1. meaningful, common-sensical (which has meaning, which makes sense, which is not pointless, which satisfies one's common sense)
    vai jums ir kāds jēdzīgs priekšlikums?do you have a meaningful proposal?
    ubags laikam bija pamuļķis, skaitīja savus vārdiņus, un nekā jēdzīga no viņa nevarēja izzinātthe beggar was maybe a little stupid, he recited his words, but you could not get anything meaningful from him
  2. good, reasonable, acceptable, satisfactory
    viņam gadījies jēdzīgs darbshe happened to have a good, reasonable job
    jēdzīgos apstākļos varētu gūt labākus rezultātusunder reasonable circumstances better results could be obtained
    Helga bija pagājusi aiz līkuma un atgriezusies zināja stāstīt, ka tur ceļš esot jēdzīgāksHelga had gone past the turn (of the road) and after returning could tell that the way there was better
  3. (of people) reasonable, understanding, not crazy
    mūsu kaimiņš ir jēdzīgs cilvēksour neighbor is a reasonable person


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