


in (in) + träda (step, walk)


inträda (present inträder, preterite inträdde, supine inträtt, imperative inträd)

  1. (somewhat formal) to step in(to), to enter
    Synonyms: träda in, stiga in
    inträda i ett rum
    step into a room
  2. (figuratively) to step in, to enter
    inträda i ett krig
    enter into a war
  3. (figuratively) to occur, to come into effect ("enter," though it often sounds less idiomatic in English)
    Döden inträdde klockan sju
    Death occurred at seven o'clock
    gladlyntheten som inträder efter några glas sprit
    the cheerfulness that comes after a few glasses of liquor
    Den nya skatten inträder 17 augusti
    The new tax comes into effect on August 17


Derived terms

See also


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