


A borrowing, ultimately from the present participle of Latin interesse (to concern; to make a difference), probably via other European language (e.g., German interessant, or French intéressant).


interesants (definite interesantais, comparative interesantāks, superlative visinteresantākais, adverb interesanti)

  1. interesting (that which causes interest)
    interesants stāsts, referātsinteresting story, report
    interesanta sarunainteresting conversation
    interesanti cilvēkiinteresting people
    kur vien man gadījās nokļūt, visattālākajās pasaules malās, visur atradu priekšā labus un interesantus ļaudiswherever I happened to go, (even) to the most distant corners of the world, everywhere I found good and interesting people
    visinteresantākā bija dzīvojamā māja; tas bija īsts arhitektūras brīnumsthe most interesting was the residential building; it was a true architectural marvel
    saistošs stāstījums par interesantu notikumu aizvien spēj saistīt klausītāju uzmanībuadding an interesting event (= anecdote) to the presentation, one succeeds in holding the attention of the audience


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