in vista
Literally, “in view”.
- in view, in sight
- terra in vista! ― land in sight!
- (figurative, by extension) imminent, on the horizon, in sight
- un temporale è in vista
- a storm is on the horizon
- expected to be achieved or undertaken; in mind, on the docket, planned
- ho in vista un viaggio in Roma
- I have a trip to Rome on the docket
- (also figurative) (with di) in view (of)
- è in vista del traguardo ― he's in view of the finish line
- un piano che prevede varie tappe in vista di una meta
- a plan that foresees various stages in view of a goal
- very famous or notorious; much talked about; visible, in the spotlight
- una stratega molto in vista
- a very famous strategist
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