- to accept and fulfill someone's or something's demands, needs or requests
- 2016, Søren Lippert, Bag magten, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
- Tilbage står, at formålet med en reform af ambassadestrukturen er at imødekomme Slotsholmens ønsker.
- It is left that the purpose of a reform of the embassy structure is to accommodate the wishes of the Slotsholm.
- 2010, Ida Jean Orlando, Det dynamiske forhold mellem sygeplejerske og patient, Munksgaard Danmark, →ISBN, page 83:
- Den tredje sygeplejerske havde nytte af at efterforske patientens anmodning, inden hun afviste at imødekomme den.
- The third nurse benefited from investigating the patient's request, before rejecting to accommodate it.
- 2008, Eksekveringsgevinsten, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN, page 235:
- En af de store udfordringer bestod i at hyre flere professionelle medarbejdere til at imødekomme det fremtidige servicebehov inden for funktioner som forsikringstegning, kundepleje, skadesbehandling og risikostyring.
- One of the large challenges was hiring more professional employees to accommodate the future service need within functions such as insurance making, customer care, damage treatment and risk control.
- 2009, Anders Jerichow, Mellemøstkonflikter: historie & samfund, Gyldendal Uddannelse, →ISBN, page 67:
- Det engelske mandatstyre erkendte i voksende udstrækning, at det ikke kunne imødekomme mandatområdets vrede arabere og dog leve op til sine mandatforpligtelser til at fremme jødisk indvandring.
- The regime of the British Mandate [of Palestine] realized to an increasing degree that it could not accommodate the angry Arabs of the Mandate area and still live up to its mandate obligations to further Jewish immigration.
- 2014, Jens Smærup Sørensen, Byggeri, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
- De har villet imødekomme travlheden og har skrevet så kort som muligt. De har villet imødekomme trætheden og har skrevet så lidt krævende som muligt. De har villet imødekomme behovet for underholdning og har skrevet så let og så uforpligtende som de orkede.
- They have wanted to accommodate busyness and have written as briefly as possible. They have wanted to accommodate tiredness and have written as undemandingly as possible. They have wanted to accommodate the need for entertainment and have written as lightly and as nonbindingly as they could be bothered to.
See also
- komme i møde, imødegå, gå i møde
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