ilmu alam



Compound of ilmu (science) + alam (nature), calque of Dutch natuurkunde (physics, literally nature science) and Dutch natuurwetenschap (natural science).


  • IPA(key): [ˈʔɪlmu ˈalam]


ilmu alam (first-person possessive ilmu alamku, second-person possessive ilmu alammu, third-person possessive ilmu alamnya)

  1. (archaic) physics
    Synonym: fisika
    • Atoeran-atoeran baroe dimasoekkan kepada berbagai-bagai peladjaran, seperti peladjaran: sedjarah, peratoeran pemerintahan, ‘ilmoe boemi, ‘ilmoe pisah dan ‘ilmoe ‘alam, ‘ilmoe toemboeh-toemboehan dan hidoep-hidoepan, keséhatan dan kebersihan, bernjanji, menggambar, ‘ilmoe mendidik, pekerdjaan tangan dan bagi orang Tionghoa Chineesche Cultuur.
      New regulations was inserted to various subjects, such as history, government and law, geography, chemistry and physics, biology, health and hygiene, singing, drawing, pedagogy, craft education and Chinese culture for Chinese.
    • Pada saat Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Alam mulai berdiri sendiri sebagai Fakultas, mulai dibuka jurusan baru yang waktu itu disebut Bagian Ilmu Alam, kemudian ditambah satu jurusan lagi yaitu bagian Ilmu Kimia.
      When Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty was designated as a faculty, a new course of Physics Department was started and added with Chemistry Department.
  2. natural science
    Synonyms: ilmu pengetahuan alam, sains
    • Faculteit van Wiskunde en Natuur Wetenschap menjadi Faculteit Ilmu Pasti dan Ilmu Alam (FIPIA), dan sekarang menjadi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA).
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Usage notes

The word is part of false friends between Standard Malay and Indonesian due to shared etymology. The Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore usage can be seen in Malay ilmu alam.

Further reading



ilmu (knowledge) + alam (world).


  • IPA(key): /ilmu alam/


ilmu alam

  1. geography (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)

Usage notes

The word is part of false friends between Standard Malay and Indonesian due to shared etymology. The Indonesian usage can be seen in Indonesian ilmu alam.


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