içinə soxmaq



Literally, 'to shove [it] inside'. The omitted 'it' implies one's tongue.


içinə soxmaq (intransitive)

  1. (vulgar) shove it up your ass
    • 2017 May 30, Günel Fərhadqızı:
      Qarşı tərəfə seks obyekti kimi yanaşmayın, dərhal cütləşmək eşqinə düşməyin, seksual fantaziyalarınızı içinizə soxun.
      Don't treat the other as a sex object, don't immediately become overexerted by the prospect of copulation, shove your sexual fantasies up your ass.
  2. (idiomatic, vulgar) to shut the fuck up, to put a sock in it, to keep one's mouth shut
    susmaq qızıldır deyiblər amma siz təmiz içinizə soxmusuz
    silence is golden, they say, but you've really zipped your lip.
    (i.e. you don't speak up when you really should)


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