


Compound of hus (house) + rannsakan (ransacking; thorough search). According to SO attested since 1820.


husrannsakan c

  1. A police search of a home or private property (requiring a search warrant)
    Synonym: husvisitation (obsolete)
    • 2022 November 26, Jesper Marken, “Ikea-kund smet med varor för 17 000: ”Ville göra alla i familjen glada” [Ikea customer stole 17,000 worth of goods: "Wanted to make everyone in the family happy"]”, in Smålandsposten:
      När patrullen kom till platsen hade kvinnan [] hunnit packa in alla varorna i sin bil och polisen tog beslut om att genomföra en husrannsakan i fordonet.
      When the patrol arrived at the scene, the woman [] had loaded all the items into her car and the police decided to perform a search of the vehicle.


Declension of husrannsakan 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative husrannsakan husrannsakan husrannsakningar husrannsakningarna
Genitive husrannsakans husrannsakans husrannsakningars husrannsakningarnas


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