horse mackerel
horse mackerel (plural horse mackerels)
- Any of several large fishes of many species:
- Alectis indica (Indian threadfish)
- Atule (certain scads)
- Caranx spp. (certain trevallies)
- Carangoides spp. (island jacks)
- Gnathanodon speciosus (golden trevally)
- Megalaspis cordyla (torpedo scad)
- Sarda sarda (Atlantic bonito)
- Sarda australis (Australian bonito)
- Selar crumenophthalmus (bigeye scad)
- Naucrates ductor (pilot fish)
- Trachurus spp. (jack mackerels).
Derived terms
Sarda australis
pilot fish — see pilot fish
jack mackerel — see jack mackerel
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