

Alternative forms


home + sewn


homesewn (not comparable)

  1. Sewn at home (rather than in a factory, shop, etc.).
    • 1869, William Henry Hamilton Rogers, Wanderings in Devon, Seaton, “Colcombe and the Devonshire Antiquary,” p. 161,
      A plague on these “labour-saving” machines of our Yankee cousins, they invade everything—from old Aunt Grace’s work-box and needle-craft—good, wholesome, home-sewn shirts and their slop rivals—to the poetry of the hayfield.
    • 1969, Maya Angelou, chapter 23, in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, New York: Bantam, published 1971, page 149:
      Hair brushed back, legs oiled, new dresses and pressed pleats, fresh pocket handkerchiefs and little handbags, all homesewn.
    • 1971, R. F. Delderfield, Theirs Was the Kingdom, New York: Pocket Book, published 1972, Part One, Chapter 6, p. 166:
      Giles could not have said why the young man impressed him so much more than any of the prefects [] but he did, for all his patched boots, and a suit that seemed to be homesewn from pieces of tweed.


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