


From hemi- + hexakisoctahedron.


hemihexakisoctahedron (plural hemihexakisoctahedrons)

  1. (rare) A half of a hexakisoctahedron.
    • 1839, W[illiam] H[allowes] Miller, “Octahedral System”, in A Treatise on Crystallography, Cambridge: Printed at the Pitt Press: for J. & J. J. Deighton, []. London: John W. Parker, [], section 66, page 34:
      In the hemihexakisoctahedron with inclined faces k {h k l} (fig. 23), []
    • 1841, John Joseph Griffin, “Principles of Crystallography”, in A System of Crystallography, with Its Application to Mineralogy, Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Company. And Thomas Tegg, London, section XIII (An Inquiry into the variety of Forms and Combinations which occur upon the Crystals of Minerals), subsection I (The Octahedral System of Crystallisation), subsubsection 4 (The Hemihexakisoctahedron with inclined faces), § 450, page 217:
      The second is a hemihedral combination of which no corresponding homohedral variety has been discovered, and no hemihexakisoctahedrons have been found to correspond with the rest of the known hexakisoctahedrons, § 408.
    • 1859, Adolf Kenngott, Tabellarischer Leitfaden der Mineralogie zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen und zum Selbststudium, page 62:
      Hemihexakisoctahedrons with parallel faces
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