hell to the no


Alternative forms


hell to the no

  1. (US, chiefly African-American Vernacular, slang) Expressing firm disagreement or refusal.
    • 2017 May 10, Dan Shive, El Goonish Shive (webcomic), Comic for Wednesday, May 10, 2017:
      "Are you... happy being a girl?" "Um, yeah? I'm awesome?" "You wouldn't rather be a boy?" "Hell to the no." "Not at all?" "No. I've never felt dysphoria as a girl, not even when I was you, and I identify as a girl now. I dunno if that's just how I am, or because magic, or inter-universe nonsense, or my soul or whatever, but I am not, nor do I want to be, a dude."

See also

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