


From harva + -eta.


  • IPA(key): /ˈhɑrʋetɑˣ/, [ˈhɑ̝rʋe̞t̪ɑ̝(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -ɑrʋetɑ
  • Syllabification(key): har‧ve‧ta



  1. (intransitive) To become more rare in number.
  2. (intransitive) To become less dense, less crowded.


Inflection of harveta (Kotus type 72/vanheta, no gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. harvenen en harvene 1st sing. olen harvennut en ole harvennut
2nd sing. harvenet et harvene 2nd sing. olet harvennut et ole harvennut
3rd sing. harvenee ei harvene 3rd sing. on harvennut ei ole harvennut
1st plur. harvenemme emme harvene 1st plur. olemme harvenneet emme ole harvenneet
2nd plur. harvenette ette harvene 2nd plur. olette harvenneet ette ole harvenneet
3rd plur. harvenevat eivät harvene 3rd plur. ovat harvenneet eivät ole harvenneet
passive harvetaan ei harveta passive on harvettu ei ole harvettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. harvenin en harvennut 1st sing. olin harvennut en ollut harvennut
2nd sing. harvenit et harvennut 2nd sing. olit harvennut et ollut harvennut
3rd sing. harveni ei harvennut 3rd sing. oli harvennut ei ollut harvennut
1st plur. harvenimme emme harvenneet 1st plur. olimme harvenneet emme olleet harvenneet
2nd plur. harvenitte ette harvenneet 2nd plur. olitte harvenneet ette olleet harvenneet
3rd plur. harvenivat eivät harvenneet 3rd plur. olivat harvenneet eivät olleet harvenneet
passive harvettiin ei harvettu passive oli harvettu ei ollut harvettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. harvenisin en harvenisi 1st sing. olisin harvennut en olisi harvennut
2nd sing. harvenisit et harvenisi 2nd sing. olisit harvennut et olisi harvennut
3rd sing. harvenisi ei harvenisi 3rd sing. olisi harvennut ei olisi harvennut
1st plur. harvenisimme emme harvenisi 1st plur. olisimme harvenneet emme olisi harvenneet
2nd plur. harvenisitte ette harvenisi 2nd plur. olisitte harvenneet ette olisi harvenneet
3rd plur. harvenisivat eivät harvenisi 3rd plur. olisivat harvenneet eivät olisi harvenneet
passive harvettaisiin ei harvettaisi passive olisi harvettu ei olisi harvettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. harvene älä harvene 2nd sing.
3rd sing. harvetkoon älköön harvetko 3rd sing. olkoon harvennut älköön olko harvennut
1st plur. harvetkaamme älkäämme harvetko 1st plur.
2nd plur. harvetkaa älkää harvetko 2nd plur.
3rd plur. harvetkoot älkööt harvetko 3rd plur. olkoot harvenneet älkööt olko harvenneet
passive harvettakoon älköön harvettako passive olkoon harvettu älköön olko harvettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. harvennen en harvenne 1st sing. lienen harvennut en liene harvennut
2nd sing. harvennet et harvenne 2nd sing. lienet harvennut et liene harvennut
3rd sing. harvennee ei harvenne 3rd sing. lienee harvennut ei liene harvennut
1st plur. harvennemme emme harvenne 1st plur. lienemme harvenneet emme liene harvenneet
2nd plur. harvennette ette harvenne 2nd plur. lienette harvenneet ette liene harvenneet
3rd plur. harvennevat eivät harvenne 3rd plur. lienevät harvenneet eivät liene harvenneet
passive harvettaneen ei harvettane passive lienee harvettu ei liene harvettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st harveta present harveneva harvettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st harvetakseni harvetaksemme
2nd harvetaksesi harvetaksenne
3rd harvetakseen
past harvennut harvettu
2nd inessive2 harvetessa harvettaessa agent3 harvenema
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st harvetessani harvetessamme
2nd harvetessasi harvetessanne
3rd harvetessaan
negative harvenematon
instructive harveten 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
4) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).

3rd inessive harvenemassa
elative harvenemasta
illative harvenemaan
adessive harvenemalla
abessive harvenematta
instructive harveneman harvettaman
4th4 verbal noun harveneminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st harvenemaisillani harvenemaisillamme
2nd harvenemaisillasi harvenemaisillanne
3rd harvenemaisillaan

Derived terms

Further reading




From harva (rare) + -eta. Akin to Finnish harveta and Veps harveta.


  • (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈhɑrʋetɑ/, [ˈhɑrʋe̞t]
  • (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈhɑrʋetɑ/, [ˈhɑrʋe̞d̥ɑ]
  • Rhymes: -ɑrʋet, -ɑrʋetɑ
  • Hyphenation: har‧ve‧ta



  1. (intransitive) to become less dense; to thin out
    • 1936, L. G. Terehova, V. G. Erdeli, translated by Mihailov and P. I. Maksimov, Geografia: oppikirja iƶoroin alkușkoulun kolmatta klaassaa vart (ensimäine osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 88:
      Turpia metsä, kumman hämärikos möö mänimmä jo paljo päiviä, harveni i antiis.
      The dense forest, in whose dusk we are already going for days, became less dense and gave way.


Conjugation of harveta (type 15/valeta, no gradation)
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular harvenen en harvene 1st singular oon harvent, oon harvennut en oo harvent, en oo harvennut
2nd singular harvenet et harvene 2nd singular oot harvent, oot harvennut et oo harvent, et oo harvennut
3rd singular harvenoo ei harvene 3rd singular ono harvent, ono harvennut ei oo harvent, ei oo harvennut
1st plural harvenemma emmä harvene 1st plural oomma harvenneet emmä oo harvenneet
2nd plural harvenetta että harvene 2nd plural ootta harvenneet että oo harvenneet
3rd plural harvenoot1), harvenevat2), harvetaa evät harvene, ei harveta 3rd plural ovat harvenneet evät oo harvenneet, ei oo harvettu
impersonal harvetaa ei harveta impersonal ono harvettu ei oo harvettu
Imperfekta Pluskvamperfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular harvenin en harvent, en harvennut 1st singular olin harvent, olin harvennut en olt harvent, en olt harvennut
2nd singular harvenit et harvent, et harvennut 2nd singular olit harvent, olit harvennut et olt harvent, et olt harvennut
3rd singular harveni ei harvent, ei harvennut 3rd singular oli harvent, oli harvennut ei olt harvent, ei olt harvennut
1st plural harvenimma emmä harvenneet 1st plural olimma harvenneet emmä olleet harvenneet
2nd plural harvenitta että harvenneet 2nd plural olitta harvenneet että olleet harvenneet
3rd plural harveniit1), harvenivat2), harvettii evät harvenneet, ei harvettu 3rd plural olivat harvenneet evät olleet harvenneet, ei olt harvettu
impersonal harvettii ei harvettu impersonal oli harvettu ei olt harvettu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular harvenisin en harvenis 1st singular olisin harvent, olisin harvennut en olis harvent, en olis harvennut
2nd singular harvenisit, harveniist1) et harvenis 2nd singular olisit harvent, olisit harvennut et olis harvent, et olis harvennut
3rd singular harvenis ei harvenis 3rd singular olis harvent, olis harvennut ei olis harvent, ei olis harvennut
1st plural harvenisimma emmä harvenis 1st plural olisimma harvenneet emmä olis harvenneet
2nd plural harvenisitta että harvenis 2nd plural olisitta harvenneet että olis harvenneet
3rd plural harvenisiit1), harvenisivat2), harvettais evät harvenis, ei harvettais 3rd plural olisivat harvenneet evät olis harvenneet, ei olis harvettu
impersonal harvettais ei harvettais impersonal olis harvettu ei olis harvettu
Preesens Perfekta
positive negative positive negative
1st singular 1st singular
2nd singular harvene elä harvene 2nd singular oo harvent, oo harvennut elä oo harvent, elä oo harvennut
3rd singular harvetkoo elköö harvetko 3rd singular olkoo harvent, olkoo harvennut elköö olko harvent, elköö olko harvennut
1st plural 1st plural
2nd plural harvetkaa elkää harvetko 2nd plural olkaa harvenneet elkää olko harvenneet
3rd plural harvetkoot elkööt harvetko, elköö harvettako 3rd plural olkoot harvenneet elkööt olko harvenneet, elköö olko harvettu
impersonal harvettakkoo elköö harvettako impersonal olkoo harvettu elköö olko harvettu
positive negative
1st singular harvenen en harvene
2nd singular harvenet et harvene
3rd singular harvenoo ei harvene
1st plural harvenemma emmä harvene
2nd plural harvenetta että harvene
3rd plural harvenoot evät harvene, ei harvettane
impersonal harvettannoo ei harvettane
Nominal forms
Infinitivat Partisipat
active passive
1st harveta present harveneva harvettava
2nd inessive harvetees past harvent, harvennut harvettu
instructive harveten 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect.
2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect.
*) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (harvetkaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well.
**) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative
***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential
****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition.
3rd illative harvenommaa
inessive harvenomas
elative harvenomast
abessive harvenomata
4th nominative harvenomiin
partitive harvenomista, harvenomist


  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 49


Etymology 1

From harv + -eta.



  1. to become thinner, to become more sparse/less dense
Inflection of harveta (inflection type 28/edeta)
1st infinitive harveta
present indic. harveneb
past indic. harveni
1st singular harvenen harvenin
2nd singular harvened harvenid harvene
3rd singular harveneb harveni harvekaha
1st plural harvenem harvenim harvekam
2nd plural harvenet harvenit harvekat
3rd plural harvetas
harveniba harvekaha
sing. conneg.1 harvene harvenend harvene
plur. conneg. harvekoi harvenugoi harvekoi
1st singular harvenižin harvenuižin harvenenen
2nd singular harvenižid harvenuižid harvenened
3rd singular harveniži harvenuiži harveneneb
1st plural harvenižim harvenuižim harvenenem
2nd plural harvenižit harvenuižit harvenenet
3rd plural harvenižiba harvenuižiba harveneneba
connegative harveniži harvenuiži harvenene
non-finite forms
1st infinitive harveta
2nd infinitive 3rd infinitive
inessive harvetes inessive harvenemas
instructive harveten illative harvenemaha
participles elative harvenemaspäi
present active harvenii adessive harvenemal
past active harvenu abessive harvenemat
past passive harvetud
1 In imperative: used only in the second-person singular. The plural form is used with other persons.

Etymology 2

From harv + -eta.



  1. to thin out, to make thinner, to make more sparse/less dense
Inflection of harveta (inflection type 29/koheta)
1st infinitive harveta
present indic. harvendab
past indic. harvenzi
1st singular harvendan harvenzin
2nd singular harvendad harvenzid harvenda
3rd singular harvendab harvenzi harvekaha
1st plural harvendam harvenzim harvekam
2nd plural harvendat harvenzit harvekat
3rd plural harvetas
harvenziba harvekaha
sing. conneg.1 harvenda harvendand harvenda
plur. conneg. harvekoi harvenugoi harvekoi
1st singular harvendaižin harvenuižin harvendanen
2nd singular harvendaižid harvenuižid harvendaned
3rd singular harvendaiži harvenuiži harvendaneb
1st plural harvendaižim harvenuižim harvendanem
2nd plural harvendaižit harvenuižit harvendanet
3rd plural harvendaižiba harvenuižiba harvendaneba
connegative harvendaiži harvenuiži harvendane
non-finite forms
1st infinitive harveta
2nd infinitive 3rd infinitive
inessive harvetes inessive harvendamas
instructive harveten illative harvendamaha
participles elative harvendamaspäi
present active harvendai adessive harvendamal
past active harvenu abessive harvendamat
past passive harvetud
1 In imperative: used only in the second-person singular. The plural form is used with other persons.


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