

ha- (up out) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier) + -jeeh (imperfective stem of root -JÉÉʼ, “to run — 3+ actors”).



  1. they (3+ actors) run up out

Usage notes

This stem is used for running in a group of three or more people. For individual movement, see haalyeed . For movement in pairs, see hahiʼnilchééh .

Singular forms of this verb refer to one subject's involved in a movement as a group.


Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi), with da-shift.

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person haashjeeh haiijeeh hadeiijeeh
2nd person hanijeeh haahjeeh hadaahjeeh
3rd person haajeeh hadaajeeh
4th person hajijeeh hadajijeeh
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person háájééʼ haiijééʼ hadashiijééʼ
2nd person háíníjééʼ haoojééʼ hadashoojééʼ
3rd person háájééʼ hadaazhjééʼ
4th person hajííjééʼ hadajizhjééʼ
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person hadeeshjah hadiijah hadadiijah
2nd person hadííjah hadoohjah hadadoohjah
3rd person hadoojah hadadoojah
4th person hazhdoojah hadazhdoojah

Verbal stems

  • ITERATIVE: -jah
  • OPTATIVE: -jeeh
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