
See also: grandchild



grand-child (plural grand-children)

  1. Obsolete form of grandchild.
    • 1625, [Samuel] Purchas, “Mexican Antiquities gathered out of the Writings of Iosephis Acosta a learned Iesuite”, in Purchas His Pilgrimes. [], 3rd part, London: [] William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, [], →OCLC, 5th book, § I (Of the ancient Inhabitants of New Spaine, and of the sixe Linages of the Nauatlacas. Of the Mexican Exodus, and Aduentures by the way: the foundation of Mexico, their first King and Tribute.), page 1005, lines 53–58:
      The King hauing conſulted vpon this point, and finding it nothing inconuenient to bee allied to the Mexicans, who were valiant men, made them anſwere, That they ſhould take his grand-child in good time, adding thereunto, that if he had beene a woman, hee would not haue giuen her, noting the foule fact before ſpoken of, ending his diſcourſe with theſe wordes, Let my grand-child goe to ſerue your god, and be his Lieutenant, to rule and gouerne his Creatures, by whom we liue, who is the Lord of Night, Day, and Windes: []
    • 1729, [Bernard Mandeville], The Fable of the Bees, part II, London: [] J. Roberts [], page 228:
      The Savage’s Wife, as well as himſelf, would be highly pleas’d to ſee their Daughters impregnated, and bring forth; and they would both take great Delight in their Grand-Children.
    • 1817 (date written), [Jane Austen], chapter VI, in Persuasion; published in Northanger Abbey: And Persuasion. [], volume IV, London: John Murray, [], 20 December 1817 (indicated as 1818), →OCLC, page 99:
      They are not at all nice children, in my opinion; but Mrs. Musgrove seems to like them quite as well, if not better, than her grand-children.
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