
See also: Going and going



go + -ïng



  1. Misspelling of going.
    • 2001 January 13, Peter Terpstra, “Dalai Lama's Views On Economic Meltdown.”, in hk.politics (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-25:
      The "cultural revolution" is still goïng on in Tibet, you can also call it cultural genocide.
    • 2002 November 5, Frank Evers, “pitch and speed not correct in playback mode”, in alt.steinberg.cubase (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-25:
      In play mode the pitch and speed are to high although I did not change them. Replacing my old cubase VST did not solve the problem. In Wavelab the problem does not exist! Everything is goïng fine there.
    • 2003 July 21, Misty, “I want my doc to be a Vet!!!!”, in alt.support.mult-sclerosis (Usenet), retrieved 2022-05-25:
      Here there is an investigation goïng on, I'm a tiny part of it, results are coming out in 9 years.
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