gå ihop



Literally "come together."


ihop (present går ihop, preterite gick ihop, supine gått ihop, imperative gå ihop)

  1. (business) to merge
  2. (in "få det att gå ihop") to make ends meet
    Som ensamstående mamma med fem barn har hon svårt att få det att gå ihop
    As a single mother with five children, she finds it difficult to make ends meet
  3. to be coherent, to make sense, to add up
    Han resonemang går inte ihop
    His argument doesn't make sense
  4. to complement (one another) well
    De här färgerna går bra ihop
    These colors come together nicely
    De kan inte arbeta tillsammans. De går helt enkelt inte ihop.
    They can't work together. They simply don't mix.

See also


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