


fjun (vellus hair) + mustasch (mustache)


fjunmustasch c

  1. peachfuzz mustache; a sparse mustache consisting mainly of whiskers in a developing stage between vellus hair and terminal hair (especially among adolescent males)
    Synonym: moppemustasch
    • 2018 June 16, “Eva Biaudet minns Parkgatans ramp och hur hon brädade Bror Wahlroos”, in Yle:
      Ungdomarna till och med super mindre än vad 40-åringarna gjorde när de var unga och ännu hade fjunmustasch! ...eller det är åtminstone vad ungdomarna säger åt mamma och pappa.
      The youths overdrink less than what the 40-year-olds did when they were young and still had peachfuzz mustache! ... or at least that's what the youths say to mom and dad.
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