fare complimenti
Literally, “to do compliments.”
- Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see fare, complimenti.
- to be overly formal or ceremonial; to stand on ceremony
- (chiefly in the negative) to be hesitant or unassertive due to being shy or not wanting to inconvenience others; to hold back; to not want to step on someone's toes; to not come on strong
- Synonym: fare sconti
- 2020, Masterchef Italia, season 9, episode 15, spoken by Antonino Cannavacciuolo:
- Se pensavamo questo, tu qua dentro non c'eri già più. Sia chiaro. Perché qui dentro non facciamo complimenti a nessuno; cerchiamo di scoprire un talento, di capire il percorso che fa un ragazzo, dopo un po' come tocca gli strumenti, e anche specialmente la sua passione. E un pensiero del genere io lo ritengo offensivo.
- If we really thought that, you would not have been here any longer. Let it be clear. Because in here we do not hold back on anyone; we try to find talent, to understand someone's journey, after a while how he handles the tools, and especially his passion. And a thought of that nature — I find it offensive.
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