
See also: Fakts



Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Latin factum (a deed, act, exploit; in Medieval Latin also state, condition, circumstance), neuter of factus (done or made), perfect passive participle of faciō (to do, to make).


  • IPA(key): [fakts]


fakts m (1st declension)

  1. fact (a true, real event or phenomenon)
    nenoliedzams, objektīvs faktsundeniable, objective fact
    konstatēt faktuto establish a fact
    faktu materiālsfactual material, information
    minēt pierādījumam dažus faktusto mention several facts in the proof
    dzīve ir nepārtraukta kustība... šie vārdi nav ne patētiska frāze, nedz filofosika atziņa, bet vienkārši faktslife is continuous motion... these words are not a pathetic sentence or a philosophical thesis, but simply a fact
    neko lielu nopirkt viņš nevarēja, taču galvenais nebija dāvanas vērtība, bet pats fakts, ka tu esi atcerējies savus tuviniekus un paradījis viņiem šo mazo uzmanībuhe couldn't buy anything great, but the important thing was not the value of the gift, but the very fact that you remembered your loved ones and showed them this little (proof of) care
  2. fact (knowledge gained via experience, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn)
    patiess faktsa true fact
    aplams faktsa false fact
    faktu pārbaudeexamination of the facts


Derived terms

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