
See also: FODT



  • IPA(key): [ˈføˀd̥]



  1. past participle of føde
    • 2012, Elliot Perlman, Gadefejeren, Forlaget Hr. Ferdinand ApS, →ISBN:
      Og jeg var blevet sat i fængsel i mit eget land for simpelthen at bo der, hvor jeg var født.
      And I had been jailed in my own country simply for living where I was born.
    • 2011, Henrik Nilaus, Pinligt 5 - Dittes valg, Art People, →ISBN:
      Jeg vidste, at jeg var født på Hillerød Hospital.
      I knew that I had been born in Hillerød Hospital.
    • 2015, Henning Mankell, Mindet om en snavset engel, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Men inden min farbror døde, sagde han, jeg var født det år, hvor der var så mange krokodiller i floden, at de begyndte at angribe og æde hinanden.
      But before my paternal uncle died, he said that I was born the year in which there were so many crocodiles in the river, they began to attack and kill one another.

Norwegian Bokmål



  1. past participle of føde


født (neuter singular født, definite singular and plural fødte)

  1. born

Usage notes

One always uses present tense, "er født", when the person or animal in question is still alive, but past tense, "var født", if said person is no longer alive. Hence the statement "He was born..." could be expressed either as "Han var født..." - implying that "he" is deceased - or "Han er født..." implying that "he" is still alive. A third, more neutral, option would be to use the -s form of the passive voice of the verb føde: "Han fødtes....".

Derived terms


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