
Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23



Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23. Traditionally derived from the rare Late Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23, from Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23 and Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23, from a Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23. However, the modern senses appear rather to align more with the much commoner Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23, from Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23 + Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23. More at Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23.


  • Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23
  • Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23


Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23

  1. To impede or bar by estoppel.
    • Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23
    • 2020: "Nancy Pelosi Should Take All the Time She Needs to Submit Articles of Impeachment" by Philip Bobbitt,
      Finally, new evidence—emails surrounding the decision to withhold appropriated military assistance from Ukraine—has come out since the vote. Is anyone suggesting that the House managers be estopped from presenting this evidence?
  2. To stop up, to plug


  • Lua error: Unmatched close-bracket at pattern character 23
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