esquellotada f (plural esquellotades)
- (folklore) charivari for a someone who remarries
- 2008, Raquel Ricart, Costums i tradicions:
- I ja per acabar amb aquests rituals al voltant del festeig, no podem deixar d'esmentar l'esquellotada (o esquellada, segons el poble). Quan un viudo o una viuda es tornava a casar, la gent del poble, normalment el jovent o la colla d'amics, agafaven tot de coses que podien fer soroll: esquellots, pots amb pedres, cassoles, etc., i s'aplegaven a la casa del nuvi per fer-li una bona serenata que podia durar fins l'endemà, quan l'acompanyaven al casori.
- And to finish with these festive rituals, we cannot neglect to mention the esquellotada (or esquellada, according to the village). When a widower or a widow remarries, the people of the village, normally the youth or their group of friends, grab everything that could make noise: cowbells, jars full of stones, pots, etc. and gather at the house of the bridegroom to give him a nice serenade which could continue until the next morning when they accompany him to the wedding.
- banging of pots (as a form of protest, etc.)
- Synonym: cassolada
Further reading
- “esquellotada” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
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