ennen aikojaan



ennen aikojaan

  1. ahead of time (prior to the expected time; early)
    Koska tulit ennen aikojasi, joudut odottamaan.
    Because you came ahead of time, you'll have to wait.
  2. untimely, prematurely, before someone's time
    Hän kuoli ennen aikojaan 33-vuotiaana.
    He died before his time at the age of 33.
    Hän on jo kolmas harjoittelija, joka lähtee ennen aikojaan.
    He is already the third apprentice to quit before his time.


Personal/possessive forms of ennen aikojaan
no possessor
possessor singular plural
1st person ennen aikojani ennen aikojamme
2nd person ennen aikojasi ennen aikojanne
3rd person ennen aikojaan
ennen aikojansa


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