


From en- + derrocar. First attested in the 14th century.[1]


  • IPA(key): (Central) [ən.də.ruˈka]
  • IPA(key): (Balearic) [ən.də.roˈka]
  • IPA(key): (Valencian) [en.de.roˈkaɾ]
  • Rhymes: -a(ɾ)


enderrocar (first-person singular present enderroco, first-person singular preterite enderroquí, past participle enderrocat); root stress: (Central, Valencian, Balearic) /ɔ/

  1. (transitive) to knock down, to pull down, to tear down; to demolish
    Synonyms: derrocar, enrunar
    • 2020 July 10, Josep Maria Fonalleras, “Estàtues”, in El Punt Avui:
      Enderrocar estàtues de filibusters, negrers, plutòcrates i opressors també ensenya història a les noves generacions, la mateixa història que ensenyaven les estàtues ara criticades, però, és clar, amb uns criteris diferents.
      Knocking down statues of pirates, slave traders, plutocrats and oppressors also teaches history to new generations, the same history that the now criticized statues taught, but, of course, with different views.
  2. (transitive) to overthrow (to bring about the downfall of, especially by force)


Derived terms


  1. enderrocar”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2024

Further reading

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