



From dzert (past stem: dzēr-) (to drink) + -iens.




dzēriens m (1st declension)

  1. drink, beverage (a liquid made for consumption by living beings)
    ābolu dzēriensapple drink
    raudzēta peina dzēriensfermented milk drink
    atspirdzinošs, dzirkstošs dzēriensrefreshing, sparkling beverage
    alkoholisks, bezalkoholisks dzēriensalcoholic, non-alcoholic drink
    reibinošs dzēriensintoxicating drink
    gatavot dzērienu no sulāmto prepare a beverage with juices
    es dzeru siltu dzērienu: kafuju, kakao, tēju vai arī pienuI drink a hot drink: coffee, chocolate, tea or also milk
    dzērienu un vircoto ēdienu aromāts padarīja gaisu smaguthe aroma of drink and spicy food made the air heavy
  2. (specifically) alcoholic drink (a beverage containing alcohol)
    svētkos viņas mājās dzērieni ir vienmēr, pudeļu skaits gan nav liels, bet ar labu gribu un apvaldīšanos pietik visiemduring the holidays there is always (alcoholic) drink in his house, the number of bottles is not big, but with good will and self-discipline it is enough for all


See also

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