


Derived from French disponibilité and Italian disponibilità, itself from the French. Equivalent to disponibile + -tate.


  • IPA(key): /dis.po.ni.bi.liˈta.te/


disponibilitate (uncountable)

  1. availability, disponibility
    • 1958 October, Bret Ratner, Murray Dworetzky, Satoko Oguri, Lydie Aschheim, “STUDIES ON THE ALLERGENICITY OF COW'S MILK : III. Effect of Heat Treatment on the Allergenicity of Milk and Protein Fractions from Milk as Tested in Guinea Pigs by Sensitization and Challenge by the Oral Route”, in Pediatrics, volume 22, number 4, →DOI, →PMID:
      Le conclusion del presente studio es que le thermodisnaturate lacte de disponibilitate commercial [] ha perdite le allergenicitate attribuibile al fraction alpha-lactalbumina
      The conclusion of the present study is that heat-denatured milk of commercial availability [] has lost the allergenicity attributable to the alpha-lactalbumin fraction
    • 1960 February, Richard A. Dunsmore, Lillian D. Dunsmore, Max Elias, “The use of syrosingopine (SU-3118) and hydralazine in ambulatory hypertensive patients”, in The American Journal Of The Medical Sciences, volume 239, page 153:
      Viste que le tractamento de hypertension essential require un altemente individualistate methodologia, le disponibilitate de syrosingopina es un addition benvenite al medicationes antihypertensive.
      Having seen that the essential treatment of hypertension requires a highly individualized methodology, the availability of syrosingopine is a welcome addition to antihypertensive medication.
    • 1967 January, Max Shiuming Lin, Bertha A. Bouroncle, “The Size and Transit Time of Nondividing Subpool of Precursor Cells in Acute Leukemia”, in Blood, volume 29, number 1, →DOI, pages 63–76:
      Esseva observate e es commentate un variabile decline con le tempore in le disponibilitate de thymidina a tritium administrate initialmente in un dose unic al systema in vitro.
      Variable decrease with time in availability of tritiated thymidine given initially in single dose to the in vitro system was observed and discussed.



Borrowed from French disponibilité. Equivalent to disponibil + -itate.


  • IPA(key): [dis.po.ni.bi.liˈta.te]


disponibilitate f (plural disponibilități)

  1. availability
  2. (usually in the plural) a spiritual state in which sentiments and ration manifest freely and completely


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